Digital registry of the pre-Hispanic city of Uxmal


In recent years, technology has become an indispensable tool for the registration, diagnosis, and monitoring of archaeological monuments, since it allows for more streamlined research tasks, as well as educational applications of the products obtained, such as photographs, 2D and 3D models, and manipulation and editing of plans, among others.  

With the use of drones with high resolution cameras and a 3D scanner, it is now possible to make a record, with millimeter accuracy, of the monuments and the standing architecture of the pre-Hispanic Maya cities, in order to assess the buildings’ state of deterioration and their relevant and unique features.

In addition to facilitating research work, this technology is a resource for reconstructing buildings in a virtual and educational way, in order for us to know and learn about the conformation of Maya cities, among other uses. 


To digitally record the buildings and integrate them into a Geographic Information System to establish their conservation, maintenance, and care needs, as well as to produce teaching materials and virtual tours of the site with an educational focus.

Currently, the pre-Hispanic cities of the Puuc Region (Uxmal, Kabah, Sayil, Xlapak, Labná and Chacmultún, collectively a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and more than 350 pre-Hispanic settlements located in the region, contain standing architecture in precarious conservation conditions. Its record will allow for the prioritization of conservation efforts, as well as recording deterioration processes.  These activities are planned to start in the archaeological zone of Uxmal. This project will streamline the exploration and restoration processes based on the 3D record. 


  • The millimeter-quality record of all of the buildings’ attributes will be achieved by means of high-tech digital equipment, highly qualified personnel, and the appropriate facilities for data processing.  
  • Digital products are very important registration information for both scientific use and for education. 
  • (The educational use includes the findings being taught in schools, museums, and in the communities located in the immediate vicinity of the sites.) 


Strengthening of identity. Familiarity with the built heritage contributes to a solid conformation of the identity. 

Improvements to the local economy. The new ways of disseminating knowledge generate possibilities for local, regional, and national economic improvement.

Care and conservation strategies. The analysis of the deterioration processes will allow for an assessment of both the materials’ behavior and condition and their constructive system, in order to predict the time and form of collapse. 

Expansion of the registers. Through the application of the digital registration method, this project will allow for the generation of strategies to configure reliable databases, by applying this method in other pre-Hispanic sites of the Maya area, in order to expand knowledge about the built heritage. 

Phases or stages: 

Environmental impact assessment
Carrying out the environmental impact study and mitigating the actions based on its recommendations, as well as removing the vegetation that tends to deteriorate the monuments, also to allow the necessary registration equipment and support tools easy access to the sites.

Design and installation of Intranet – Internet
Evaluating, along with a specialist, the design of a cloud service and  strategic places to have efficient internet signal, for the enjoyment of a new digital image of the buildings that are visited in real time. 

Basic computer equipment and specialized equipment 
Basic requirements consist of a FARO (brand) 3D scanner, a dozen scaffolds, a mobile basket, three technicians to operate the scanner, a computer with ample capacity to process point clouds, software for data processing, transfer vehicles, memory cards with ample capacity for data storage, a cloud license to store and access the data.  

Design and development of materials (Media) 
For display in situ, virtual volumetric reconstruction of the buildings in museum halls, chromatic puzzles for all ages, educational books for children with a visualizer to look at 3D representations. Production of chromatic legos for children. 

Plan for the socio-economic development of the region’s communities 

  • To develop training courses aimed at young people to be trained as new guides, based on the information produced by 2D and 3D models, and with the support of a specialist in the field. 
  • To develop training courses aimed at young people to be trained as new guides, based on the information produced by 2D and 3D models, and with the support of a specialist in the field.

Expected results 

  • Database of the digital registry for the development of 2D and 3D models 
  • Digitalization model optimization 
  • Materials for the training of young guides 
  • Materials for the design of handicrafts  


17 months of field work 

24 months of office and field work  

Main activities: 

1. Scanning the Quadrangle of the Birds (Cuadrángulo de los Pájaros)  

2. Scanning the Nunnery Quadrangle (Cuadrángulo de las Monjas)   

3. Scanning the Temple of the Turtles (Templo de las Tortugas)  

4. Scanning the Governor’s Palace (Palacio del Gobernador) 

5. Scanning of the Dovecote building (El Palomar) 

6. Scanning the Temple of the Eagles (Templo de las Águilas)  

5. Scanning of the Cemetery building (El Cementerio) 

8. Scanning the House of the Old Woman (la Casa de la Vieja) 

3. Scanning the Temple of the Phallus (Templo de los Falos)  

(NOTES: Capture equipment, specialized personal computer equipment, among others) 

Transparency and accountability 

  • All initiatives, projects, and activities will feature every mechanism for timely, precise information to donors, and a quick and practical communication tool will be established between donors and beneficiaries, in order for them to have a direct relationship and to be able to assess the results and effectiveness of donations. 
  • Every initiative, project, and activity will be audited, and its information be made available to donors, upon request, in accordance with the corresponding regulations.  
  • All the information regarding the initiatives, projects, and actions developed with the support and sponsorship of the Foundation will be available on the Foundation’s website, in accordance with the applicable regulations. 

Dissemination of results  

  • The results will be announced and disseminated through the Foundation’s electronic channels, website, social networks, as well as through a direct communication system via email with donors and any person who requests the information. 
  • The publication of the results will also be promoted in dissemination journals, mass media, such as newspapers and magazines, and in specialized and specific media, both for dissemination and for academic purposes. 

Supplementary information

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